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Safiro Galactic Gumshoe - Maya Rig
Safiro rig for maya includes pickers and pose library ik/fk snap switch and pose library + Bendy limbs and face squash

Safiro rig for maya includes pickers and pose library ik/fk snap switch and pose library + Bendy limbs and face squash

Maya Action

Maya run cycle

Blender version has pickers and bendy lims ik/fk controls and more

Blender version has pickers and bendy lims ik/fk controls and more

Blender animation

Pistol Rig for Blender

Pistol Rig for Blender

Safiro Galactic Gumshoe - Maya Rig

Safiro Rig with カイジュ BLASTER pistol for Maya 2018+ and Blender 2.8
Rig includes

+ Face and Body Pickers
+bendy limbs and squash face features
+IK/FK snaping switch
+Pistol rig
+Pose library

+ Animation sample file ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

Hi, I Present my OC. Safiro Gumshoe

available on my store

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